Basket Orders
Basket Order is a feature that allows the users to place multiple orders at one time.
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Basket Order is a feature that allows the users to place multiple orders at one time.
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How to create a Basket
Adding securities to the Basket
How to execute order from a Basket
How to Edit a Basket Name
Resetting/Reactivating a Basket
How to remove/delete a Security from the Basket
How to search for a Security within a Basket
Modify Order Condition of a security added to a Basket
How to Duplicate an order in a Basket
A "Basket Order", also known as a Basket Trade, is a type of order that allows traders to place multiple trades simultaneously with a single click.
This Order Type is particularly useful for investors who want to execute trades in a large number of securities simultaneously or want to implement a trading strategy that involves multiple securities.
To create a Basket, follow these steps:
Go to the "Basket" tab in the Order Book page.
Click on the "Create Basket" button towards the top right-hand side of the tab.
A pop-up page will appear, allowing you to Name your Basket. The maximum number of characters allowed is 20.
Set the name for the Basket and click on the "Create" Button.
A message will appear, indicating that the "Basket has been Saved". You will have two options: "Done" and "View Basket".
If you choose the "View Basket" option, you will be taken to the newly created Basket, where you can start ending Securities.
If you choose the "Done" option, you will be taken back to the Basket landing page.
To add a security from Basket page, follow these steps:
Go to "Basket" page in the Order Book tab.
Choose a "Basket" you have created.
A "Select Box" with multiple options will appear.
Click on the "Edit Basket" option and the Basket will open.
Tap on the Symbol you wish to add.
This will open the Order Placement page for that specific symbol.
Enter all the necessary Order details as desired.
Once you have updated the Order tab, click on the "Add to Basket" Button. This will add security with the specified conditions to the Basket.
To execute an entire order in a Basket, follow these steps:
Select the Name of the Basket you wish to Execute.
A "Select Box" with multiple options will appear.
By default, all the securities in the Basket will be selected.
At the bottom of the page, you will find "Execute Basket Order" Button.
Click on the "Execute Basket Order" Button.
A confirmation pop-up will appear and click on "Execute Orders" button to execute the Basket Order.
The Orders for each security in the Basket will be send to the Exchange.
Once the Orders have been sent, the Sent Status will be visible against each security.
You can check the Open or Closed Order Book to see the status of the sent orders.
Please Note: There is No Order Confirmation for Basket Orders. It is important to verify all order conditions at the time of adding a security to the Basket.
To execute a part of the order in a Basket, follow these steps:
Select the Name of the Basket you want to execute.
A "Select Box" with multiple options will appear.
On the Basket page, you will see a list of the securities in the Basket.
By default, all the securities will be selected.
Click on the "Check Box" to unselect the securities you do not wish to place the order.
Once you unselect the securities, click on the "Execute Selected Orders" Button at the bottom of the page.
All the selected Orders will be sent to the exchange.
Check the "Sent Status" to see if the orders have been sent.
The "Sent Orders" will be grouped under "Inactive Orders" and the orders that are not yet sent will be active.
Click on the "Execute Order" Button to send any remaining orders to the exchange at any time.
You can check the Open or Closed Order Book to see the status of the sent Orders.
Click on the Box under "Basket Name" and enter the new name of your choice.
Click "Cancel" Button if you do not wish to continue or click the "Rename Basket" Button to change to the new name.
You will receive a confirmation pop-up towards top right-hand side that the name is successfully changed.
Open the Basket you wish to Rename.
Click on the Box under "Basket Name" and enter the new name of your choice.
Click "Rename Basket" Button to change to the new name.
You will receive a confirmation pop-up towards top right-hand side that the name is successfully changed.
To reset a Basket, follow these steps:
Locate and click on the "Reset Basket Order" Button at the bottom of the page.
The Basket is now active and ready to execute
After a Basket Order is sent to an exchange for execution, the orders within the Basket become inactive.
To make these orders Active again, the trader must Reset the Basket.
This will cause the Orders to be "Activated" again based on the original conditions, including the specified Prices and Quantities.
To remove/delete a security from a Basket, follow these steps:
Choose the Basket containing the security you want to "Remove/Delete".
Here again hover over the security you wish to delete.
Click on "Cancel Order" and the security will be removed immediately from the Basket.
To search for a security within the Basket, follow these steps:
Open the Basket page.
Click on the "Search" Tab provided at the top of the Basket page.
Type the "Symbol Name" of the security you wish to search for.
The Symbol will be filtered and displayed if it is part of the selected Basket
To Modify Order Conditions, follow these steps:
Open the Basket containing the security whose Order Condition you want to Modify.
Click on "Modify Order" option to open the Order Confirmation page, which is pre-filled with the details of your existing Open Order.
"Modify" the fields you want to change.
Click on the "Modify Basket Order" Button at the bottom of the screen.
The Modified Order will be saved.
Repeat the process to modify the Order Conditions for any other securities in the Basket.
To duplicate an Order, follow these steps:
Open the Basket containing the security you wish to duplicate.
Click on "Duplicate" on the pop-up.
The security will be added again to the same Basket with the same "Order Conditions".
You may Modify the duplicate order in the Basket if needed.
You can "Duplicate" the securities many as times as you want, as long as the number of securities in the Basket does not exceed the maximum limit set for one Basket.
"Right Click" on the Basket or click on the "Three Green Dot" Icon that appears when you hover over a symbol.
You can see options such as "Edit Name", "Edit Basket", and "Delete Basket".
Once inside the specific Basket page, click on "Add" on the top right-hand side to go to the Symbol Search page.
Search for the desired Symbol by typing the name in the "Search Bar". This will display any Symbols that match the search.
To add more securities to the Basket, click on the "Add" Button inside the specific Basket page and repeat the process.
Go to the "Basket" page on the Order Book page.
"Right Click" on the Basket or click on the "Three Green Dot" Icon that appears when you hover over a symbol.
You can see options such as "Edit Name", "Edit Basket", and "Delete Basket".
Click on the "Edit Basket" option and the Basket will open.
Basket Orders will have a "Basket" Icon in the Open and Closed Order Book.
Go to the "Basket" page on the Order Book page.
"Right Click" on the Basket or click on the "Three Green Dot" Icon that appears when you hover over a symbol.
You can see options such as "Edit Name", "Edit Basket", and "Delete Basket".
Click on the "Edit Basket" option and the basket will open.
Basket Orders will have a "Basket" Icon in the Open and Closed Order Book.
Go to "Order Book" page and choose Basket.
Now "Right Click" on the Basket or click on the "Three Green Dot" Icon that appears when you hover over a symbol.
You can see options such as "Edit Name", "Edit Basket", and "Delete Basket".
Click on "Edit Name" and a pop-up will appear.
Towards the top left-hand side you can see the Name of the Basket with the "Edit" Icon.
Click on the "Edit" Icon and a pop-up will appear.
Open the Basket under Order Bookpage.
"Right Click" on the Basket or click on the "Three Green Dot" Icon that appears when you hover over a symbol.
You can see options such as "Edit Name", "Edit Basket", and "Delete Basket".
Click on the "Edit Basket" option and the Basket will open.
"Right Click" on the Basket or click on the "Three Green Dot" Icon that appears when you hover over a symbol.
You can see options such as "Edit Name", "Edit Basket", and "Delete Basket".
Click on the "Edit Basket" option and the Basket will open.
The "Three Green Dot" Icon will be visible, click on it and "Delete" option will appear.
Click on the "Delete" option and a confirmation pop-up will appear.
"Right Click" on the Basket you wish to open or click on the "Three Green Dot" Icon that appears when you hover over a symbol.
You can see options such as "Edit Name", "Edit Basket", and "Delete Basket".
Click on the "Edit Basket" option and the Basket will open.
Click on the "X" Icon on the Search Bar to remove the search filter.
"Right Click" on the Security you wish to open or click on the "Three Green Dot" Icon that appears when you hover over a symbol.
You can see options such as "Modify", "Duplicate", and "Delete".
"Right Click" on the Security you wish to open or click on the "Three Green Dot" Icon that appears when you hover over a symbol.
You can see options such as "Modify", "Duplicate", and "Delete".